Apply these 5 secret techniques to improve sms marketing

SMS marketing doesn't have to be hard. Read these 4 tips to improve your SMS marketing technics
Marketing through cell phones' SMS (Short Message Service) is becoming increasingly popular since the early 2000s in Europe and some parts of Asia when businesses started to collect mobile phone numbers and send off wanted (or unwanted) content. On average, SMS messages are read within four minutes, making them highly convertible.
Over the past few years SMS marketing has become a legitimate advertising channel in some parts of the world. While this has been fruitful in developed regions such as North America, Western Europe and some other countries, mobile SPAM message (SMS sent to mobile subscribers without a legitimate and explicit opt-in by the subscriber) on the other hand has remain an issue in many other parts of the world, partly due to the carriers selling their member databases to third parties.
Mobile marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach the consumer. SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe for being a new form of spam as some advertisers purchased lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer's phones; however, as guidelines are put in place by mobile operators, SMS has become the most popular branch of the Mobile Marketing industry with several 100 million advertising SMS sent out every month in Europe alone. The cut the long story short you can improve your SMS marketing strategies by applying either of the following techniques.

  • MMS: MMS mobile marketing can contain a timed slideshow of images, text, audio and video. You can deliver mobile content through MMS (Multimedia Message Service) to your customers. Nearly all new phones produced with a color screen are capable of sending and receiving standard MMS message. You are able to both send and receive rich content through MMS A2P (application-to-person) mobile networks to customers. You are also able to sponsor messages that are sent P2P (person-to-person).
  • Push notifications: Push notifications were first introduced to smart phones by Apple with the Push Notification Service in 2009. Making improvements to authentication and delivery, new API endpoints and messaging parameters, and the removal of limitations on API send-rates and message sizes. Push notifications will help u to communicate directly with their customers in a simple and effective way.
  • App-based marketing: With the increasingly widespread use of smart phones, app usage has also greatly increased. Therefore, you can take advantage of Smartphone apps as a marketing resource. Marketers will aim to increase the visibility of an app in a store, which will in turn help in getting more downloads. By optimizing the placement of the app usage, marketers can ensure a significant number of increases in download. This allows for direct engagement, payment, and targeted advertising.
  • In-game mobile marketing: There are essentially three major trends in mobile gaming right now: interactive real-time 3D games, massive multi-player games and social networking games. This means a trend towards more complex and more sophisticated, richer game play. On the other side, there are the so-called casual games, i.e. games that are very simple and very easy to play. Most mobile games today are such casual games and this will probably stay so for quite a while to come.

You can now deliver promotional messages within mobile games or sponsoring entire games to drive consumer engagement. This is known as mobile advergaming or Ad-funded mobile game.

  • QR codes: QR codes allow a customer to visit a web page address by scanning a 2D image with their phone's camera, instead of manually entering a URL. The resultant URLs typically include tracking features which would be unwieldy if typed by the customer


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