
Apply these 5 secret techniques to improve sms marketing

SMS marketing doesn't have to be hard. Read these 4 tips to improve your SMS marketing technics Marketing through cell phones' SMS (Short Message Service) is becoming increasingly popular since the early 2000s in Europe and some parts of Asia when businesses started to collect mobile phone numbers and send off wanted (or unwanted) content. On average, SMS messages are read within four minutes, making them highly convertible. Over the past few years SMS marketing has become a legitimate advertising channel in some parts of the world. While this has been fruitful in developed regions such as North America, Western Europe and some other countries, mobile SPAM message (SMS sent to mobile subscribers without a legitimate and explicit opt-in by the subscriber) on the other hand has remain an issue in many other parts of the world, partly due to the carriers selling their member databases to third parties. Mobile marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new ch

See What Happens When A Man Makes Love With A Pregnant Woman

So, what’s the truth? Is it possible for a man to poke the baby in the head with the tip of his p*nis while he’s having s*x with his partner or wife? Before we tell you if the answer is– “yes” or “no,” first, a brief anatomy lesson. The growing baby is floating inside a sac of amniotic fluid which is floating inside the amniotic sac inside the uterus. The ultrasound picture above is of an actual p*nis inside a woman who is 6 months pregnant. The white colored area above the p*nis is the cer.vix. Beyond that is the uterus, amniotic sac and baby. As you can see, the direction of the p*nis is down. During s*x, the p*nis fits in a space underneath the cer.vix and uterus. So, what’s the answer? Can you poke the baby in the head during s*x with the tip of the p*nis? No. It’s not possible, because the baby is protected behind the rigid cervix, uterus, and amniotic fluid. ALTHOUGH… It is possible to “jostle” the baby. Wait. What? Yes. It’s possible for a man, regardless of his p*n

Save The Sme.lly V*gina Now! (Please Read!)

Your v*gina is your womanh0.0d. To maintain a healthy v*gina you must know what to do to avoid infection and it is equally important to educate your s*x.ual partner on some of them to also help you help the v*gina. Here are some few things you can do or avoid. 1. Fing.ering; During f0replay or r0mance, as part of it some people insert their finger or fingers into the v*gina. The question is, how many people wash their hands before s*xual interc0urse? Some people do not even keep their nails clean so it gathers a lot of germs and during the fing.ering, these germs are deposited in the v*gina…leading to infe.ction. Same thing apply to auto pl3asure acts or mast.urbation. 2. s*x: I am not here to tell anybody to have s*x or not to but I simply want to draw the attention of those who engage in s*x with the opposite s*x that it is dangerous to have s*x and continue having penov*ginal s*x. If this is done, the p*nis will pick bacteria from the anus and deliver

Majid Michel Reveals He Has Seen God & What He Has To Say About It Will Make You Shiver!

A lot of folks don’t know handsome Ghanaian/Nollywood actor, Majid Michel was agnostic/atheist. However, he has had an epiphany and now believes that a God, ultimate designer of all things exists and is very much alive. Yesterday the actor took to social media to reveal that the realization of God’s existence just hit him. According to him, after staring at the sky the night before, he had an epiphany and figured out that God truly exists. He said: “Lord God I have never spoken to you. But now I want to say…how do you do? You see God, they told me you didn’t exist and like a fool I believed all this. Last night from standing outside, I saw your sky and I figured right then they had told me a lie. “Had I taken time to see the things you made I’d have known they weren’t calling a spade a spade. I wonder God if you’ll take my hand. Somehow I feel that U’d understand. Funny I had to come to this hellish place before I had time to see your face. “Well I guess there isn’t much m

Wondering what relationship stage you’re in right now? Here are the 9 relationship stages that all couples go through, no matter how the love starts. By Elizabeth Arthur

Relationships are unique. And one experience of love is never ever the same. You may have been in several relationships in your life, and all of them may have been very different from the earlier one. But there are a few traits about every single relationship that binds all relationships along a similar path. Relationship stages in your love life Relationships, just like life, have their own stages. It starts off with infatuation and goes through several stages along the way. And these stages are like tests that check your compatibility with each other. Go wrong anywhere along the way, and your relationship will take the brunt of the fall. Have you ever met a couple who seemed like they were going to stay together forever, but ended up breaking up a few years later? [Read:  Top 20 reasons for divorce that most couples overlook ] Perhaps, in all probability, they went wrong in one of these stages of the relationship. The 9 relationship stages that all couples exp

How to Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl You Really Like

Image There’s nothing that will cause a girl to be uninterested faster than a conversation that keeps dying. Keep it alive and get the girl with these tips. One of my biggest pet peeves when I start talking to a new guy is when we just can’t seem to keep a conversation going for the life of us. We can have chemistry. We can have similar interests. But sometimes, the conversations just don’t flow naturally. Not only is this my biggest pet peeve, but it’s also the biggest reason I don’t continue seeing a person. How can I expect to have a relationship with someone when we can’t even have a conversation? To me, that’s a red flag. Don’t let the conversation die! It’s not just bad chemistry that can make a conversation go flat, there’s actually a lot of different reasons that cause the awkwardness of them going dead. Luckily, a lot of those reasons have to do with the guy – or even both of you – not knowing what you need to